Vision, Mission & Values
Our Vision
Our church family will know the overwhelming love of Jesus Christ through the known & felt presence of God in our gatherings and through the personal relationships we build with each other. We will see this generation experience a life transformation, giving hope for their future. We will experience the power of the Holy Spirit living in and through our lives effecting a life change in all. We will be a people filled with joy because we walk with God…whom we give our lives to.
Our Mission
We will build relationships with this generation and be compelled and able to share the overwhelming love of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. We will invest ourselves and our resources, giving people purpose and a future hope to live for. We will be involved with & support ministries that are reaching this generation for Christ.
We will have a “Market Place” ministry style bringing the church to the world. Our facilities, our resources and our time will support this mission.
Our Values
An intimate relationship with God
Healthy family relationships
Loving and serving others
Reaching and Releasing the Next Generation
Providing excellence in children and youth ministry
Providing a life path in serving and loving Jesus
Building strong parenting skills
Investing our time and resources
Evangelism and Missions
Reaching and serving our local community
Sending and supporting missionaries
“Market Place” ministry, bringing the church to the world
Financial stability and accountability
Relational accountability
Doing all things in Spirit and truth
Empowered by the Holy Spirit
Being a bold witness for Jesus Christ
Doing all things by the Spirit of God, not by human ability
Sharing the gifts of the Holy Spirit to all in need